Period: May 2024
For Monthly News

Prayer of Thanksgiving
<<A Psalm and Song at the dedication of the house of David.>>
"I will extol thee, O LORD; for thou hast lifted me up, and hast not made my foes to rejoice over me. O LORD my God, I cried unto thee, and thou hast healed me. O LORD, thou hast brought up my soul from the grave: thou hast kept me alive, that I should not go down to the pit.
"Sing unto the LORD, O ye saints of his, and give thanks at the remembrance of his holiness. For his anger endureth but a moment; in his favour is life: weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning.
"And in my prosperity I said, I shall never be moved. LORD, by thy favour thou hast made my mountain to stand strong: thou didst hide thy face, and I was troubled. I cried to thee, O LORD; and unto the LORD I made supplication.
"What profit is there in my blood, when I go down to the pit? Shall the dust praise thee? shall it declare thy truth? Hear, O LORD, and have mercy upon me: LORD, be thou my helper. Thou hast turned for me my mourning into dancing: thou hast put off my sackcloth, and girded me with gladness; To the end that my glory may sing praise to thee, and not be silent. O LORD my God, I will give thanks unto thee for ever." Psalms 30:1-12 KJV

Cephas Ministry cordially invites you. It is best to bookmark (index) since email lists are unavailable for us. The controversial International Social Pulse deals with the Church / Global Issues / Israel, is edited by Rita Williams. Index of our Network:

Cephas Newsletters now at

Our Mission and Statement of Faith are at

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We believe the KJV Bible, the Word of God. Of this you can be sure and will never be changed, that Jesus is the Christ, God Himself, who spilled His blood on the cross for our sins and rose again to prepare a place for those who repent and accept 'His' righteousness for their righteousness. There are those who accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, Jews first and then Gentiles. "Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me." We invite you to take this opportunity to say 'yes' to Jesus and commit your life to Him only. It is a gift (New Testament means an inheritense) Click on this link: Salvation
Luke 12:20,21 "But God said unto him, "Thou fool, this night thy soul shall be required of thee: then whose shall those things be, which thou hast provided? So is he that layeth up treasure for himself, and is not rich toward God."
We pray the Lord will bless you with a thirst for truth and a desire to serve Him exclusively, in Christ Jesus, Rita Williams of Cephas Ministry

We trust that our readers will not be discouraged. It is God’s will that we know the times (1 Ch. 12:32; Mat. 16:3) and that we be as wise as serpents and harmless as doves.
The Cephas Newsletter reminds us that the hour is very late, and we need to be ready for the Lord’s coming. Are you sure that you are born again? Are you living for Christ?

"And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed. The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armour of light. Let us walk honestly, as in the day; not in rioting and drunkenness, not in chambering and wantonness, not in strife and envying. But put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make not provision for the flesh, to fulfil the lusts thereof" (Rom. 13:11-14).

PS We are seeking the truth and link to material from many sources only when we believe their material could be of service to you. That should not imply that we endorse ministries, news organizations or various authors. We are not all-knowing and cannot predict what people will write in the future. CMI



John 9:4 I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work.
Matthew 25:6 And at midnight there was a cry made, Behold, the bridegroom cometh!!
Our ID: John 1:42 "And he brought him to Jesus. And when Jesus beheld him, he said, Thou art Simon the son of Jonah: thou shalt be called Cephas, which is by interpretation, A stone." 1 Peter 2:5 "Ye also, as lively stones, are built up a spiritual house, an holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God by Jesus Christ." Matthew 10:16 "Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves."

Prophecy Update: Can These Bones Live? - 5.31.24
POKING THE BEAR. B52's Fly Around Kaliningrad. SITREP - 54,388 views May 30, 2024
25,000 'Bear Witness Publicly and in Unity' at the March for Jesus in France - May 30, 2024
2.5 Billion Christians Invited to Participate in Gather25 Commissioning Event - May 30, 2024
The Beautiful Side of Evil / Like Lambs to the Slaughter
Friday Church News Notes - May 31, 2024 - Volume 25, Issue 22
California Official Orders Police and Fire Chaplains to Stop Praying 'In Jesus' Name' - 05-29-2024
2024, After the Rapture. What now? - 4,129 views 5.29.24
Pentecost, Mt Sinai and the Rapture! - 9,624 views 5.29.24
This Isn't Coming-It's Here! - 22,510 views 5.28.24
Biblical Prophecy Is A Sure Sign Of The Bible's Divine Origin… And No Other Book Measures Up - May 27, 2024
Genesis 159 - To God be the Glory. Genesis 41:9-16. Dr. Andy Woods. 1,222 views 5-26-24
About Enduring unto the End
'God Lit a Match': 12K Baptized at California Historic Worship Event - 5.25.24
'God Lit a Match!': Satanist Accepts Jesus During History-Breaking Mass Baptism - 12,361 views May 22, 2024
ALL Are Against Israel! Look up! - 31,433 views May 25, 2024
Bodies of American missionary and Haitian director may have been burned - May 25, 2024
Friday Church News Notes - Way of Life - May 24, 2024
STOP The War & Israel's Surprising Plans! - 36,286 views May 24, 2024
Prophecy Update: Major Crisis Ahead! - 1.38K views 5.23.24
INCREDIBLE News from the Middle East! - 51,736 views May 22, 2024
Satan, The Beast and the False Prophet - May 22, 2024
George Barna identifies biggest threats facing the Church: 'We've reached a time of Christian invisibility' - May 21, 2024
Daniel on the Timely Understanding of Prophecy - May 23, 2024
The End of the Age According to Daniel, Isaiah, Ezekiel, and John - 5.23.24
Everyone Must Be Warned - This Is Their Plan! - 40,232 views May 21, 2024
OH MY, We Are In The LAST Days!! The ICC & Israel... - 39,348 views May 21, 2024
'God Lit a Match!': Satanist Accepts Jesus During History-Breaking Mass Baptism as 12,000 People Immersed in California
God Says- " ONLY 1% OF POPULATION WILL GET THIS VIDEO - 1.4K viewws 5.22.24
2024 Prophetic Word: 100% Accuracy Guaranteed - 181,821 views Jan 2, 2024
'Evil never stands still': Christian on trial for faith gets U.S. support - May 22, 2024
Prophecy Update: The Birth Pangs of Israel - 1,05K views 5.20.24
Psalm 13 Devotion - 5.20.24
Signs the THIRD TEMPLE is About to be Rebuilt! - 12,756 views May 17, 2024
Michael Youssef debunks myths about Heaven, illuminates biblical truths about Hell - May 12, 2024
AMERICA'S PRE-JUDGMENT - 388 views Apr 19, 2024
RAPTURE SIGN: Ceremony for the THIRD TEMPLE has JUST HAPPENED!! - 17,585 views May 15, 2024
What the Bible Says About Wickedness in High Places - May 15, 2024
Why I Am Not Southern Baptist - David Cloud - May 14, 2024
Prophecy Update: The Edge - Where is the Ark of the Covenant? - 5.16.24
Louisiana Parishioners Stop Teen Dressed in Black and Armed With Rifle as He Enters Church Filled With Families
Video shows panic in church packed with kids after teen armed with rifle tries to storm service - May 13, 2024
Prophecy Update: The True Agenda of WEF... - 1.63K views 5.15.24
A Miracle of Biblical Proportions - The Tom Hughes Report - 21,633 views May 13, 2024
If This Is True, It Just Got REAL! - 65,343 views May 13, 2024
Texas church fires senior pastor after he's charged with possession of child porn - May 14, 2024
Hundreds of College Students Accept Christ at Tennessee: 'God Is Doing Something' - May 16, 2024
More End Time Signs | CERN | Satan's LOCATION Exposed | Red Heifer Prophecy - 12,842 views May 2, 2024
I Died During Miscarriage & Was Denied Entry To Heaven Because Of The MARK - 94,179 views May 14, 2024
Florida Church Baptizes More Than 1,600 People In One Day - May 14, 2024
Pre-Trib Trigger Points
Congress May Have Just Made The Bible Illegal!!! - 5.12.24
Amir Tsarfati: The Generation That Shall Not Pass Away - 106,664 views May 10, 2024
Friday Church News Notes Way of Life - May 10, 2024
Magog Rising - 5.11.24
The Burden of Damascus and the Psalm 83 War - 5.11.24
Prophecy Update video: Prophecy Update Top News Headlines - (5/4/24 - 5/9/24) - 3.26K views 5.9.24
Israel Does NOT Need The United States! - 35,322 views May 9, 2024
34,000 Accepted Christ During Winter Jam 2024: 'Gen Z Is Hungry' for Truth, Tour Pastor Says - May 08, 2024
Are You Paying Attention Yet? - 81,602 views Apr 22, 2024
After the Rapture - Left Behind!!! - 11.3K views 3 years ago
Christianity and Free Speech Are Under Attack - 293 views 5.8.24
New Law make Preaching the Bible Illegal.- 4,081 views May 6, 2024
Israel, God's Timepiece - Time is Short! Are You Ready? - 5.8.24
Church school wins right to hire teachers voicing biblical teachings - May 8, 2024
A Red Heifer Sacrifice Is Coming, But The Discovery Of The Ark Of The Covenant Will Be Even More Important
Did God Create Evil? - 5.7.24
100 People Accept Salvation on Maui, 3,000 Attend Greg Laurie's 'Hope for Lahaina' - 05-06-2024
Congress Criminalizes The New Testament - By Pastor Chuck Baldwin - 3,747 views 5.6.24
WATCH: Gunman aims to shoot pastor, but then something miraculous happens - May 6, 2024
Pastors: Don't Prepare The Bride To Meet The Antichrist, Prepare The Bride To Meet Her Bridegroom - May 5, 2024
Amir Tsarfati: The Trumpet of the Rapture - 40K views 5.5.24
Tampa Church Baptizes Nearly 1,000 People On the Beach: 'There is A Wave of Revival Coming' - 05-03-2024
Hundreds of College Students Accept Christ at Tennessee: 'God Is Doing Something' - May 03, 2024
JESUS APPEARS IN GAZA: HUNDREDS OF MUSLIMS CONVERT | The Incredible Miracle - 7,434 views May 5, 2024
PROOF of a Pre-Tribulation Rapture… - 36,017 views May 3, 2024
May Madness: Lawlessness Takes Over - 36,078 views May 1, 2024
This Video Will Show You Why God is Isolating You - 47,580 views May 2, 2024
The Early Church Wrote About The Pre-Tribulation Rapture - 5.5.24
Christians Are Evacuating JERUSALEM After Something Terrifying Happened! - 6,066 views 5.2.24



Nearly 40% of Christians prefer not to tell people about their faith: survey - May 29, 2024
Support for Israel, dispensationalism declines among younger Evangelicals: study - May 29, 2024
Christian Families Confronting Deceptive Social Norms |-Sermon by Dr. Ben Carson - 142,106 views Oct 28, 2023
Replacement Theology Churches are causing Antisemitism - 71,450 views Jan 16, 2024
Here the mandated tithing of the Cult of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints are growing to untold riches
Abrahamic Family House: Today's The Day! The Abrahamic Family House In Abu Dhabi Set To Open And Will Serve As The International Headquarters Of The One World Religion Of Chrislam - February 16, 2023
Why American Christianity Is RAPIDLY Falling Apart - 190,400 views Mar 29, 2024
Conversations With The Dead Through AI?: Technology Is Taking Deception To A Whole New Level - May 24, 2024
I'm Sorry, But This Popular Teaching Is NOT Biblical. - 9K views 5.24.24
This is what happens in a Mormon Temple
Ex-psychic blasts Fox News host Jesse Watters for interviewing witch: 'Doctrines of demons' - May 21, 2024
The Chosen - 10 Critical Concerns - May 22, 2024
Greg and Tai Locke Appointed as Apostles in Church Ceremony - May 21, 2024
A Hierarchal Society Devoid Of Jesus Christ: Examining The Beguiling Cult of Freemasonry - May 21, 2024
Pope Francis draws accusations of heresy for claiming humans 'fundamentally good' - May 21, 2024
"Another Jesus " - Monday Night Livestream! - 18,113 views May 13, 2024
Did Pope Francis Just Call Jesus a Liar? - 5,396 views 5.20.24
The Same Pagan 'gods' Are Fooling Millions Today… Just Under Different Names - May 15, 2024
Counterfeit Christianity: Satan Does More Harm By Imitation Than Outright Opposition - May 18, 2024
Did Biden Signed The Law That Bans The Bible?? ARCHBISHOP VIRAL VIDEO SHOCKING MESSAGE! - 12,704 views 5.13.24
Be Careful! This Heresy Is Destroying CHURCHES (False Worshipers) - 25,604 views May 13, 2024
Kansas City Kicker Speech was Mystery Religion.... - 36,211 views May 16, 2024
The Most Disturbing Bethel Church Video Ever
Catholic school parents profane Virgin Mary statue with LGBTQ ribbons after priest refuses to re-sign gay teacher
Psychedelics in The Church? - 7,969 views May 14, 2024
The Same Pagan 'gods' Are Fooling Millions Today… Just Under Different Names - May 15, 2024
Religious stats expert: does generational difference explain declining number of Catholics? - 5.15.24
The Antichrist's Great Lie Revealed: Freemasonry, 'One World Religion', and Naturalism - 41,364 views May 9, 2024
Beware of the Wolves! - 67,569 views May 10, 2024
Dallas church with link to Planned Parenthood faces backlash after opening pro-abortion pregnancy resource center
Catholic priest stuns worshippers by telling them Christ had an erection when he died on the cross in shocking Easter sermon
Irish non-binary 'witch' makes Eurovision final with song aimed to 'make everybody join witchcraft' - May 8, 2024
Online Witch Doctors Lure South African Christians. Churches are combating syncretism among millennials and Gen Z amid a rise of social media healers who call on ancestral spirits. - May 8, 2024
Benny Hinn reveals his '2 biggest regrets' from ministry, apologizes for false prophecy - May 09, 2024
Archbishop Aguer: 'Smoke of Satan' has made the structures of the Church 'unbreathable' - 5.8.24
Prophecy Update: Beware of the Wolves! - 5.10.24
Chicago priest 'blesses' lesbians as 'holy spouses' in blasphemous ceremony, cites Pope Francis - 5.6.24
Steven Furlick mocks God in the worst way
Crazy Church dancing
What's Wrong With Preachers? - 13,469 views May 7, 2024
Robert Morris Teaches Full-On Heresy About Jesus - 370,592 views Aug 18, 2023
BREAKING: Catholic Scholars And Priests DEMAND Francis RESIGN THE PAPACY For Heresy - 50,095 views May 4, 2024
John MacArthur is in Trouble - 172,998 views Apr 19, 2024
Beware the leaven of Progressive clergy - May 07, 2024
John MacArthur Exposes Every False Pastor - 5.7.24
Did God Change His Mind?: United Methodist Church Chooses To Embrace And Welcome Sin - May 6, 2024
United Methodist Church Affirms And Celebrates Its Fall Into Apostasy - 5.7.24
Neither Christ-Centered Nor Biblical: Examining The Dangers Of The New Apostolic Reformation - May 3, 2024
Virtual AI priest 'Father Justin' who believes he's REAL and can absolve your sins faces backlash over bizarre answers
UMC removes rule that homosexuality is 'incompatible with Christian teaching' - May 03, 2024
How Pope Francis opened the Vatican to transgender sex workers - 5.5.24
These Pastors Are Cursing God!! - 27,054 views May 3, 2024
United Methodist Church lifts bans on LGBTQ clergy and same-sex weddings - May 1, 2024
5 Christian YouTube Channels You Need To Unsubscribe From… IMMEDIATELY!! - 13K views 5.4.24
The WORST Sin Any Church Can Commit... (Hillsong Church EXPOSED) - 1.6K views 5.2.24
ITS HAPPENING!! One World Religion 2024 - 1.2K views 5.2.24
Catholics FURIOUS Over 'Blasphemous' Rihanna Cover Photo - May 1, 2024


Cephas Observer (private video platforms)

Millions of Chickens Killed in 5-Alarm Fire at Farina Farms Inc. in Illinois, One of Nation's Largest Free-Range Egg Facilities (VIDEO) - May. 30, 2024
More than 4 million chickens to be killed in Iowa after officials detect bird flu on farm - May 29, 2024 /
Lightning strikes Empire State Building and One World Trade Center in dramatic pics - May 30, 2024
Ron DeSantis: Trump Verdict Represents 'Political Agenda of Some Kangaroo Court' - 5.30.24
First-ever convicted US president: Trump guilty on all 34 counts in hush money trial - 5.31.24
Trump to Be Sentenced July 11, Four Days Before Republican Convention Starts July 15 - 30 May 2024
Inferno rips through Putin's beloved Siberian palace 'home to his nuclear bunker & where he moved his secret family'
House Passes Anti-CBDC Bill, Financial Giants Resigning... It's COMING w/ Dr. Kirk Elliott - 5.31.24
Democratic polling reveals young voters are in despair over current political climate - 5.30.24
Planned Parenthood now citing doula who suffered lack of care with HIS abortion - May 30, 2024
Shocking map reveals vast U.S. farmland owned by Chinese government - May 30, 2024
New 'Chosen' season launching as corporate structure redefined - May 30, 2024
Trump Fires BACK After Conviction - May 31, 2024
Splintering Babylon: Interview with Alexandra Bruce and James Grundvig - May 31, 2024
Next week's cover of "The New Yorker" by John Cuneo.
Washington, D.C. Nursing Board imposes LGBT training on license renewal applicants - 5.30.24
Paul Pelosi's Attacker David DePape Sentenced to 30 Years in Prison, despite Apology - May 30, 2024
'The View' Gets Devastating News - Shut Down - 76,553 views 5.29.24
Pope Francis deemed Satanic by Christian conservatives for preaching love, tolerance toward migrants - May 21, 2024
Head Transplant Machine - BrainBridge - 198,585 views May 21, 2024
21 'Smart Cities' Confirmed in the Planned Fall of American Cities - May 24, 2024
Message To The Unvaccinated - 202,037 views May 27, 2024
The World Has Accumulated A $315 Trillion Mountain Of Debt, And Global Events Will Soon Bring It Crashing Down - 5.29.24
Video: World's first AI hospital unveiled in China with robot doctors who 'can treat 3,000 patients A DAY & will save millions' "THIS is where War in America will start... right here!" Redacted with Clayton Morris - 391,170 views May 22, 2024
6 Potential Triggers for the Next Global Financial Crisis - 5.28.24
CBDC 'data very useful for financial service providers to give credit score' - IMF managing director - May 23, 2024
We Are Being Warned That Nanobots Will Be Flowing Through Our Bodies "By 2030" And Will Be Used To Connect Our Brains To The Internet - May 16, 2024
Amazon expanding drone program after regulators' clearance - 05/30/24
BREAKING: Trump Found Guilty in Hush Money Case - May 30, 2024
Disney-owned Hulu to roll out gay-themed reality dating shows on streaming platform - May 29, 2024
Christian healthcare sharing ministries sue Colorado, challenging anti-religious law - 5.29.24
Coast Guard Delivers Confiscated Cocaine Valued At $468 Million To San Diego Port - 5.29.24
Bill Gaither's Disobedience to God's Word
Kim Jong Un Sends Hundreds Of Sh*t-Filled Balloons Into South Korea - May 29, 2024
Supreme Court Unanimously Backs NRA in Key First Amendment Ruling - May 30, 2024
Advanced Weapons of Mind Control & Military Buildup Worldwide - May 30, 2024
A Livestock agent stopped by my ranch this morning.
Farmers must kill 4.2 million chickens after bird flu hits Iowa egg farm
Here We Go: Michigan Confirms First Human Case of High-Risk Bird Flu, Marking Second U.S. Case This Year
Women Are Paying Thousands Of Dollars To Attend "Rage Rituals" Where They Scream And Smash The Ground With Sticks
Support for Harrison Butker's Pro-Life, Pro-Family Message Has Been Amazing - May 24, 2024
Tennessee Governor Signs Bill to Stop Trafficking Teens to Other States for Secret Abortions - May 28, 2024
Utah man arrested after random attack during Mass at Cathedral of the Madeleine - 5.28.24
Jury Asks Questions About National Enquirer, Payment to Playboy Playmate, as Trump Denounces Trial as 'Very Disgraceful Situation'
Gather25 seeks to unite 2.5 billion Christians to spark global revival - May 28, 2024
Pope says gay men should be barred from seminary, accused of using derogatory word - May 28, 2024
Video: Highlights from closing arguments in Donald Trump's hush money trial - 5.28.24
"The Energy Transition Won't Happen": Big Tech Embraces Energy Guzzling AI by Eric Worrall - May 28, 2024
At Trump Trial's Closings, Lawyers Weave Facts Into Clashing Accounts - 5.29.24
BREAKING: Secret Service Prepares For Trump's Jail Time! - 5.28.24
Calls Grow for Rashida Tlaib's Ouster over Speech at Terrorist-Linked Event - May 29, 2024
Rep Stefanik Files Misconduct Complaint against Judge Merchan over 'Hush Money' Assignment: 'Not Random at All'
The World is Not Ready for the Second Great Depression, Getting Prepared Has Never Been More Important- Alex Jones Reports
A carjacking in West Jackson was captured by a Ring camera. Fortunately, no one was injured.
Levin to Trump's attorneys: Next stop? The Supreme Court! - 5.29.24
Rep Stefanik Files Misconduct Complaint against Judge Merchan over 'Hush Money' Assignment: 'Not Random at All'
Charlamagne tha God Responds to Robert De Niro's Wild Rant: I Also 'Suffer from Trump Derangement Syndrome' - 5.29.24
Marjorie Taylor Greene Turned 50, God willing, I'll passionately continue each step following Him wherever the road leads
Scientists grow diamonds from scratch in 15 minutes thanks to groundbreaking new process - May 21, 2024
Believe it or not, Hollywood is making a movie about career criminal Saint George Floyd - (op-ed) - 2024-05-24
I Went Inside America's LARGEST Abandoned Mall - It's Still OPEN! This is Creepy… - 327,761 views May 26, 2024
War = Draft. SITREP 5.28.24 - 11,014 views 5.28.24
'Greatest liar of all time': Trump defense closes with crushing blow to Michael Cohen's credibility - May 28, 2024
W.H.O. Seeks $7 Billion After Latest Pandemic Treaty Draft Collapses - 5.27.24
Negotiations For The Global Pandemic Treaty Have Broken Down, But Fear Of What Is Coming Next May Revive Them
Exposing the Darkness: End Times Headline News. May 28 2024
Brighteon Broadcast News, May 27, 2024 - Mike Adams announces historic lawsuit against Google, Facebook, Twitter and the Dept of Defense for CENSORSHIP COLLUSION in America - 5.27.24
Judge smacks down Jack Smith's gag order request, warns of future sanctions - May 28, 2024
Trump 'Seriously Considering' Pardoning Julian Assange If Re-Elected - May 28, 2024
Horrific moment three American children are struck by the same lighting bolt on Puerto Rico beach as onlookers rush to perform CPR on the sand
Documents show Biden used private emails for government work - like Hillary! - May 28, 2024
Former RNC Chair Calls for Trump to Be Jailed over Anti-Biden Rhetoric - May 28, 2024
A private Message from Donald J. Trump - 5.27.24
WATCH: Trump: 'This is a dark day in America' - May 28, 2024
China Publicly Brags About Capture of US BioPharma Elites & Espionage - May 26, 2024
Battlefield Weapons Deployed on Civilians, Drone Technology, DEW and AI w/ Chris Heaven - May 27, 2024
Sexualizing schoolchildren and ridding parents of rights - May 26, 2024
Ex-employee of Tampa church steals $775K from parish operating account - May 25, 2024
No Deal: W.H.O. Fails to Secure Global Pandemic Treaty - 5.26.24
Secretaries of State from Arizona, Pennsylvania, Michigan and Georgia Claim AI 'Disinformation' Top Threat in 2024
Former RNC Chair Says to Put Donald Trump's 'Behind in Jail' - May 27, 2024
America In 2024: Fast Food Is A "Luxury", 11 Million Children Live In Poverty, And 1000s Of Stores Are Closing
Colorado rancher is killed along with 34 of his cattle in freak lightning strike - 5.27.24
White House Press Secretary Says Solving the Border Crisis Isn't Biden's Job - May 25, 2024
Husband Of Anti-NWO Italian MEP Found Dead In Car With Zip Tie Around Neck - May 27th 2024
Political consultant behind fake Biden robocalls faces $6 million fine and criminal charges - 5.23.24
Video: CNN primetime ratings hit three-decade low as Mark Thompson searches for a strategy: 'He's thrown in towel
Left-Wing Fears Outcome of European Elections - May 24, 2024
Putting faith-based ads on public buses turns into holy war - May 27, 2024
'Wide-open border': Mexican cartels' presence in U.S. explodes with Biden - May 27, 2024
Little Kids are Flipping Biden off
"THIS is where War in America will start... right here!" Redacted with Clayton Morris - 371,024 views May 22, 2024
Taiwan is a province of China, says UN spokesperson - 25th May 2024
Xi Jinping Invites American Tourists to Save Tanking Chinese Economy - 5.24.24
WATCH: Mark Levin: 'This is a spiritual battle' - May 26, 2024
WHO fails to get agreement on the text of the Pandemic Treaty but it is not over yet - May 25, 2024
Despite progress in data transparency, the FDA still keeps its data secret - Nov 10, 2022
Pope Francis offers his political "blessing" to Gavin Newsom - May 25, 2024
BREAKING NEWSGeneral Hospital star Johnny Wactor, 37, is shot and killed in Los Angeles after robbery gone wrong
7 sacred songs in honor of Memorial Day - May 26, 2024
Louisiana Governor Jeff Landry Signs Bill Classifying Abortion Pills As Controlled Substances - May 25, 2024
Muslim Students Beating Up Christian Children in Minnesota Schools - 5.21.24
Do you believe that God created the entire universe? (notice the image)
BREAKING NEWSDonald Trump flies over the Coca-Cola 600 with former US President set to attend NASCAR race in North Carolina - May 26, 2024
Trump Says He's 'Excited' about Rick Scott's Bid to Lead Senate GOP - May 25, 2024
Indy500 gets off to a nightmare start as MULTIPLE cars collide at first turn of delayed race in Indiana - 26 May 2024
Fani Willis Files Appeals after Judge Drops Charges against Trump - May 26, 2024
The New Credit Card Scam You Need to Know About - 770,815 views Mar 15, 2023
'Study' on 'conversion therapy' branded 'useless' - May 26, 2024
Is Your Child Immunized? (great message)
'Highway robbery' by U.S. police gets green light, thanks to ruling - May 26, 2024
State Department makes stunning admission on 'atheism' grant - May 26, 2024
'Really hard to accept': Hillary rips Dems for being asleep at the wheel - May 26, 2024
Babylon Bee has an important message
National Park Superintendent sparks fury as she orders construction crew to stop flying the American flag because it 'distracts from the experience'
TRUNEWS with Rick Wiles
Donald Trump Tries To Halt 'The Apprentice' Hitting The Big Screen With Cease & Desist Demand; "Fair & Balanced" Producers Say Of Film
Are Russia and North Korea planning an 'October surprise' that aids Trump? - May 24, 2024
Graham: International Court of Justice 'can go to hell' over Israel ruling - 05/24/24
BREAKING NEWS: Top GOP Senators Excoriates Schumer For Pushing 'No Chance' Border Bill - 91,036 views May 22, 2024
Healthcare Kaiser Permanente in Desperate Plea - Begs Unvaccinated Doctors Previously Fired Over Draconian COVID Vaccine Mandates to Come Back - May. 23, 2024
Florida priest charged for biting arm of woman he says was desecrating Eucharist - 5.23.24
Pope Francis Lauds Gavin Newsom for Moratorium on Death Penalty - 5.23.24
U.S. Reaches $310 Million Settlement with Norfolk Southern Over Toxic East Palestine Train Derailment - 5.23.24
SpaceX launches first satellites for new US spy constellation - May 22, 2024
Republican governors sign letter opposing WHO treaty - 5.22.24
13th conservative Oregon county approves measure to secede and join 'Greater Idaho' - May 22, 2024
Biden Cancels More than $7 Billion in Student Debt for 160,000 People - 5.22.24
The 'Let Trump Speak Act' Just Hit Congress - 5.21.24
World's most dangerous city littered with bodies being 'eaten by pigs' as families can't bury them in ravaged Haiti
Major bank abandons 'debanking' attacks on Christians - May 24, 2024
Trump cannot be convicted unless jury votes New York politics - May 24, 2024
Sabrina Wallace: Synthetic Telepathy - 6G - May 25, 2024
Georgia police are kicking out squatters after Republican-controlled state gov't passes new law: 'Nope!' That's over with!'
Unions Heading to Court To Try To Overturn Wisconsin's Ban on Collective Bargaining - 5.23.24
Just a reminder that Earth is almost empty of humans, contrary to what many people think (7.3 billion left) - 5.24.24
Voters in 13 Oregon Counties Approve 'Greater Idaho' Measure Seeking to Secede From Liberal-Run State - 5.25.24
It's NOW LAW: 130 Countries Signed on to Change Entire Food Supply - 5.24.24
Shooting at Huge Gathering, 3 Dead - May 11, 2024
Louisiana becomes 1st state to require the Ten Commandments be posted in classrooms - May 16, 2024
Comedian collapses on stage after taunting Jesus - 1,020,762 views Feb 9, 2022
I put two people who had never met before in a room and gave them $500,000 if they stayed for 100 days!
It's NOW LAW: Mandatory Property Upgrades Begin in 18 DAYS! - 486,946 views May 10, 2024
It's NOW LAW: Mandatory Property Upgrades Begin in 18 DAYS! - 486,915 views May 10, 2024
Barack And Michelle Obama Humiliated After Gay Video Leak - Embarrassing - 534,383 views Dec 22, 2023
Catholic parishes in Baltimore to shrink by half - 5.23.24
New York high court upholds mandated insurance coverage for abortion, Diocese of Albany to appeal ruling - 5.22.24
Congressmen oppose US joining UN's global pandemic agreement, citing censorship concerns - 5.22.24
Who bankrolled the antisemitic campus chaos that swept America? - May 23, 2024
Grid Giants Ignoring Political Correctness to Scream "Danger, Danger, Danger..." - May 24, 2024
"This COMFIRMS the power grid will COLLAPSE and no one is ready" - 103,302 views 5.23.24
America's Housing Market Is In A Deep Freeze - May 22, 2024
AI-fueled videos spread rumors about Bishop T.D. Jakes, fact-checking site says - 5.23.24
The WHO's Pandemic Treaty And A Bird Flu Crisis Are Both Arriving At The Same Time - May 22, 2024
Joe Biden Shuts Down Catholic Mass at National Park - May 23, 2024
Pro-Life Group Sues Joe Biden for Trying to Put Pro-Life Hero Mark Houck in Prison - May 23, 2024
Pretending It All Works - May 20, 2024
Blumenthal: Alito Is 'Unfit to Serve,' At a Minimum He Must Recuse from All Trump Cases - 5.22.24
OpenAI to start using news content from News Corp. as part of a multiyear deal - 05/23/24
House passes bill barring Federal Reserve from issuing digital dollar - 05/23/24
Justice Department sues Live Nation, Ticketmaster, alleging monopoly over live entertainment industry - 5.23.24
I had Elon Musk's Neuralink brain chip implanted in my skull - I can now control computers with my mind - 5.23.24
Reparations Payments Could 'Devastate California,' Economist Says, Costing Trillions and Causing More Residents To Flee -
19 State AGs File Federal Lawsuit against Democrats' 'Radical' Climate Policies - May 23, 2024
Britain's Premier Sets July 4 For Elections Sidelining Party Concerns - May 22, 2024
California Considers Legislation Requiring All Cars Be Equipped With Alarms That Nag Drivers Going Over Speed Limit -
The anti-Muslim, pro-Israel far right now runs Holland. Is the European Parliament next? - 5.23.24
UN to 'inspire behavior change' with digital IDs - May 19, 2024
U.S. Government 'Cartel' Paid CVS, Walgreens Billions to Reject Ivermectin Prescriptions, Push COVID Shots - May 21, 2024
Top AI figures urge governments to enforce universal income - May 22, 2024
Assange Wins the Right to Appeal Extradition Order - 5.22.24
Maine City Overwhelmed by Migrants Wants To Convert Private Homes, Churches to Homeless Shelters - 5.20.24
Putin makes underwater land grab, risking direct conflict with NATO
Barrasso recommends using leftover COVID-19 funds to complete border wall in new amendment - 5.212.24
Louisiana House passes bill to make abortion pills a controlled dangerous substance - May 21, 2024
Microsoft Unveils Creepy AI-Powered Windows that Tracks Everything You Do - 5.21.24
Exposing Corruption: Challenger Accuses DA Fani Willis of Misusing $2.5 Million on Flawed Projects - May. 21, 2024
Is "The Big One" Coming? There Have Been More Than 1000 Earthquakes In California And Nevada In The Past 7 Days
House passes bill outlining new framework for crypto regulation despite SEC pushback - 05/22/24
What's next for Big Tech in the AI race - 05/22/24
Pro-Life Advocate Heather Idoni Thrown in Prison for 24 Months for Protesting Abortion - May 22, 2024
American Airlines just SHOCKED the world with this and they should be ASHAMED - 9,363 views 5.22.24
92-year-old grandmother goes viral for pranking scam callers - 120,614 views May 16, 2024
James Comey Warns Trump Will Gut FBI & DOJ If Re-Elected: May 22, 2024
It's Time To Stop the WHO's Horrific Pandemic Treaty - May 22, 2024
How Victimhood Became America's Most Valuable Currency - 5.22.24
Pay Attention America | Why CERN Was Sued | CLONING | Can Science Go Too Far. - 7.1K views 5.22.24
Python meat is a more sustainable food than chicken or beef - 3.15.244
Destroying Our Connection to God with Gene Editing Injections - 113,468 views May 21, 2024
AI Has Been Attacking Americans Longer Than You Think - 12,173 views May 20, 2024
Vivek Ramaswamy Buys Major Stake in Leftist BuzzFeed, Vows 'Shift in the Company's Strategy' - 5.22.24
Biden Admin Files Charges Against More Pro-Life Americans After Putting a Dozen People in Prison - 5.21.24
Biden redacts justification for altering definition of 'recession' - May 22, 2024
Billy Graham's statue in the Capitol: What does it mean for the country? - May 21, 2024
Debunking the climate change hoax - May 22, 2024
Vote or Die - 5.21.24
Trump lawyer Christina Bobb says when she switched to being counsel for Trump as it relates to election integrity she has had US Marshalls show up at her house
Colorado University's COVID Vaccine Mandate Ruled Unconstitutional by Federal Court - 5.22.24
Biden canceling student debt for more than 160,000 borrowers - 05/22/24
'Mostly peaceful tornado': Network mocked over 'alleged tornado' - May 22, 2024
Pope Francis Warns 'Climate Change Is a Road to Death': 'Global Warming Is Alarming!' - May 22, 2024
Speaker Johnson Demands U.S. Punish ICC For Issuing Arrest Warrants For Netanyahu - 5269 views 5.22.24
CNN: Michael Cohen's Admission about Stealing from Trump Creates 'Reasonable Doubt' - May 20, 2024
Argentina President Javier Milei Triggers Meltdown from Left While Blasting 'Satanic' Socialism in Europe - May 21, 2024
Next News Network, 05.20.24, Monday, GAME-OVER: Cohen Just Handed Trump VICTORY after This Bombshell Admission
Maria Zeee - FULL BLOWN TYRANNY! Australian Digital ID - 5.20.24
BREAKING! WEF'S Klaus Schwab drops BOMBSHELL, Zelensky becomes a Dictator - 139,961 views 5.21.24
Sweden, the rape capital of Europe - May 21, 2024
60 Minutes interview: Pope Francis reaffirms doctrine on surrogacy, addresses same-sex couple blessings, US immigration
Catholic Immigration Scandal, Iran's President Dies, And the Pope on 60 Minutes - 5.20.24
RFK Jr backs Biden admin plan that would prioritize farm aid based on race, give $5 billion in 'reparations' to black farmers -
'People's magic number to retire comfortably has exploded to an all-time high' - May 21, 2024
Frozen human brain tissue works perfectly when thawed 18 months later - May 17, 2024
Democrat Sen Fetterman Accuses Biden of Playing 'Both Sides' on Israel-Hamas War - May 21, 2024
Congress wants report on judge's role in weaponizing courts against Trump - May 21, 2024
'Stark tilt': Federal scholarships biased against conservatives - May 21, 2024
IHOPKC OFFICIALLY CLOSES Forerunner Church SHOCKING DETAILS Isaac Bennett Statement 20th May, 2024
Stretchable E-Skin Could Give Robots Human-Level Touch Sensitivity - 5.2.2024
China SELLS RECORD $53.5B in US Debt, Geopolitical Risks & Fear - 50,848 views 5.26.24
YOU WILL NOT BELIEVE WHAT IS HIDING HERE! - 11K views 7 hours ago 5.20.24
Chaos erupts in hearing as Greene, Ocasio-Cortez clash over 'fake eyelashes' jibe at Crockett - 05/16/24
Tracking & Surveillance: A Perversion Of The Governing Authority God Has Established - May 16, 2024
Billy Graham Statue Unveiled In US Capitol: 'My Father Would Want The Focus To Be On The One Whom He Preached' -
Louisiana set to become 1st state requiring 10 Commandments be posted in schools - 5.17.24
We'll need universal basic income - AI 'godfather' - 5.18.24
Colorado is about to wipe 100,000 criminal convictions from the public record - 5.19.24
Enjoy The Show: Origins of the End Game (2024) - Full Film - May 19, 2024
Elon Musk's Neuralink Gets Go Ahead For Brain Chip Implant In 2nd Patient: Report - 5.20.24
Microsoft's AI chatbot will 'recall' everything you do on a PC - 05/20/24
Assange can appeal extradition order to US, court rules - 05/20/24
Colorado governor signs sweeping AI regulation bill - 05/20/24
Extremists try to force 'sexually explicit and graphic' books on kids - May 20, 2024
D.C Residents Blast Democrat Mayor for Taking 'Lavish' Vacations While Crime Runs Rampant - May 20, 2024
WATCH: 'Dramatic fireball': Bright blue light flashes across sky - May 19, 2024
Billionaires who fund protests also paying bills for House Democrats - May 19, 2024
Rudy Giuliani served indictment papers while celebrating 80th birthday in Arizona alternate electors case - 5.18.24
Directed energy weapon replaces million-dollar missiles at 13 cents a shot - May 15, 2024
Biden Supporter Gets Totally Owned - 561,722 views May 15, 2024




New York City Police Issue Security Warning Ahead of Israel Day Parade in Manhattan - 5.31.24
How Can The Media Narrative Be So Far From The Facts? Gaza Famine Lies - 5.31.24
They snatched on the right, but remained hungry, And consumed on the left without being sated. Each devoured the flesh of his own kindred- May 30, 2024
Israel's national security advisor says 'government will not stop the war for the hostages' - May 31, 2024
Israel's military says it controls strategic Gaza land border with Egypt - 5.30.24
Still in coalition, Gantz's National Unity party files bill to dissolve Knesset - 30 May 2024
Mossad: Iran-backed criminal networks behind attacks on Israeli embassies in Europe -5.30.24
Netanyahu's Popularity on the Rise in Blow to Israeli Rivals - 5.30.24
Two-State Solution Pressures Nation of Israel to Give Up Historic Territory of Israel: 'Theological Craziness'
The World Needs To Wake Up To The Grave Consequences For Dividing Israel - May 29, 2024
'Israel desperately needs Trump back in White House' says MK Ohad Tal - May 29, 2024
Major Jewish and Christian Leaders Rally Behind Israel Against 'Outrageous' ICC Arrest Warrants - May 30, 2024
Israel And Egypt Exchange Fire-Killing At Least 1, Reports Say - 5.27.24
145 countries now recognise a Palestinian state - 5.28.24
7 cops to be charged for allegedly branding Palestinian with Star of David - 28 May 2024
Nikki Haley writes 'Finish Them' on IDF shell while touring Lebanon border - 5.29.24
IDF is using unmanned M113s in Gaza - report - 5.26.24
No Longer Taboo': More European States Considering Recognizing Palestine, Senior EU Diplomat Tells Haaretz
Hanegbi: War won't end this year; Israel holds 75% of buffer zone along Gaza-Egypt border - 5.28.24
Spain, Norway, Ireland Officially Recognize Palestinian State as Denmark's Parliament Rejects Proposal - 5.28.24
Over 60% of Israelis Oppose Palestinian State as Condition for Peace With Saudi Arabia - May 28, 2024
Israel Used U.S.-Made Bombs in Strike That Killed Dozens in Rafah - 5.29.24
Biden Admin Protects Iran from International Censure as Regime Prepares to Go Nuclear - May 28, 2024
Unmasking the Misinformation: Israel's Fight for Truth - May 29, 2024
US suspends aid deliveries via Gaza pier after it suffers serious weather damage - 5.29.24
IDF says hidden store of terror munitions may have caused deadly Rafah blaze - 28 May 2024
Israeli Embassy In Mexico City Set On Fire By Protesters - May 29th 2024, 8:38 am
Netanyahu admits 'tragic mistake' as civilians were 'burnt alive' in Rafah camp - May 27, 2024
China to host Arab leaders with Palestinian issue on the agenda
IDF tanks roll into central Rafah in unprecedented thrust into city - MAY 28, 2024
BREAKING: Egypt Opens Fire on Israel and the ICC Requests Arrest Warrant for Bibi Netanyahu - 15K views 5.27.24
'A Call for Genocide': South African Jews Blast Country's President for Chanting 'From the River to the Sea' - May 27, 2024 In Israel's North, Some Displaced Residents Call for Step Up in Fight Against Hezbollah - 5.27.24
Senator Schumer: Don't Invite Netanyahu. He's Not Your Ally or Your Friend. He Never Was - 5.26.24
IDF Hostage Chief: We Are Desperate, There Will Be No Deal With This Government
Ministers say rocket barrage from Rafah proves need for IDF operation in city - 26 May 2024
Knesset to hold preliminary vote designating UNRWA a terror organization - MAY 27, 2024
Anti-Israel Protests Set To Proceed Into Summer Break as California Unions Pick Up the Students' Mantle - 5.27.24
Norway hands papers for recognition of Palestinian state to PA prime minister - 5.26.24
'Reagan' Star Dennis Quaid Praises Trump: Abraham Accords Would Have Prevented Israel-Hamas War - 5.26.24
Influential religious group pushing for 'Messiah', Jerusalem Temple, New World Order- 5.27.24
IDF destroys 800-meter long terror tunnel in the Gaza Strip - MAY 27, 2024
IDF conducts exercises to prepare for combat deep in Lebanon - MAY 27, 2024
Palestinians Claim 50 Dead as Israel Hits Senior Hamas Commanders in Rafah - 5.27.24
The Great Gaza Deception: Hamas Is Not Only A Terrorist Group, But A Gang Of Thieves - May 27, 2024
Israel Standing Alone Among the Nations of the World - May 27, 2024
Christian Students Stage "Walk-In" at UCLA in Solidarity With Israel - May 26, 2024
Israel Faces Dilemma After Release Video Of Hostages - May 24, 2024
IDF Soldier Threatens 'Military Coup' Against Defense Minister, Asks To Stay in Gaza - May 25, 2024
Israel Strikes Rafah After Top UN Court Orders It to Halt Offensive - 5.25.24
Italy to resume funding UNRWA, pledges $38 million aid package for Palestinians - 25 May 2024
Saudi Arabia Just Did Something That May Change Everything!!! - 14K views 5.26.24
IDF inaugurates new Iron Dome missile defense battalion amid multi-front war - May 26, 2024
Netanyahu: Israel has 'surprising' plans for Hezbollah - 5.24.24
WATCH VIDEO: Hezbollah missile destroys Messianic congregation building in northern Israel - May 25, 2024
Sirens sound in Tel Aviv for first time in months as Hamas fires rocket barrage towards central Israel from Rafah - 5.26.24
Under a rug in Gazan home, IDF troops found shaft leading to bodies of 4 hostages - 23 May 2024
Netanyahu will address Congress, Johnson announces at DC Israeli independence event - May 26, 2024
After Mossad chief's trip, Israeli official says hostage talks to resume next week - 25 May 2024
'Trying to cause anarchy': Lapid accuses PM of ties to IDF reservist's call for mutiny - 5.26.24
US and UK to back Israel over ICJ ruling after blurring their Rafah red lines - 5.24.24
Israel rejects order by UN court to 'immediately' halt Rafah assault - May 24, 2024
'No reason to recognize' Palestinian state yet, say leaders of Germany and Portugal - 24 May 2024,
Yellen Warns Israel Against Cutting off Palestinian Banks - May 23, 2024
Amir Tsarfati: The Push For A 'Palestinian State' Demonstrates The Spiritual Blindness Of Our Days - 5.23.24
Despite mounting opposition, US House leader moves to invite Netanyahu to Congress - 23 May 2024
Mike Johnson threatens ICC sanctions vote over Netanyahu arrest warrant application - 5.20.24
Netanyahu Minister to Nations Recognizing Palestine: 'Only Israel From the River to the Sea' - 5.22.24
US 'concerned' by Israel's isolation, Biden national security adviser says - 5.22.24
Iran Replaces Dead Foreign Minister with Lead Nuclear Deal Negotiator - 5.24.24
Israel to Blinken: Despite ICJ Ruling, We Will Keep Fighting in Rafah - 5.24.24
BREAKING! Mossad and CIA Orchestrated the Assassination of President Ebrahim Raisi: Microwave Weapons Used in Helicopter Crash, Deleted Satellite Data Revealed! - May 22, 2024
'Promise to eliminate Israel will be kept' - Iranian Supreme leader vows during President Raisi's funeral - May 24, 2024
Israel slams Germany for saying it would arrest, deport Netanyahu if ICC issues warrant - 5.24.24
Under a rug in Gazan home, IDF troops found shaft leading to bodies of 4 hostages - 23 May 2024
ICJ orders Israel 'to immediately halt' Rafah offensive - 5.24.24
France and Belgium Turn on Israel and Support ICC Charges of War Crimes - 5.23.24
Despite mounting opposition, US House leader moves to invite Netanyahu to Congress - 5.23.24
Secretive Son of Iran's Supreme Leader Quietly Wields Power After President's Death
After 'Palestine' recognition, Smotrich calls for more settlements and halts PA funds, Ben Gvir ascends Temple Mount
Argentina's Milei: 'Victory in war depends not on number of soldiers, but on forces from heaven' - 5.22.24
Pentagon says none of the aid unloaded from US pier off coast of Gaza has been delivered to broader Palestinian population - May 21, 2024
Germany Urges Caution While France Throws Support Behind ICC Arrest Warrants For Israel Leaders - 5.21.24
Mike Johnson Moves to Sanction ICC - 5.21.24
Israel calls on 'civilised nations' to boycott ICC arrest warrants against its leaders - 5.21.24
US-Saudi Security Deal Inches Closer, Aims to Reshape Middle East Dynamics - 5.21.24
The West Has Accepted Evil For A False Peace!!! - 3.6K views 5.21.24
Hezbollah On The Border: The Dire Situation in Northern Israel - 13K views 5.21.24
A Tyrant Who Threatened Israel With Annihilation: Was Raisi's Death An Act Of God? - May 20, 2024
Report: Israel opts for limited Rafah action with Biden's blessing - 5.21.24
Tehran blames US sanctions withholding air fleet parts for Raisi crash - 5.20.24
Nearly 70% of Gaza aid from U.S.-built pier stolen - May 21, 2024
Norway, Ireland, Spain move to recognize Palestinian state, drawing Israeli fury - 5.22.24
Netanyahu: ICC arrest warrant request will not stop war on Hamas - May 21, 2024
Hamas welcomes Palestinian statehood recognition - May 22, 2024
Ireland and Norway to Recognize Palestine; Sovereignty Movement Responds - May 22, 2024
Christian Leaders Lead Tens of Thousands in Pro-Israel Event - May 21, 2024
Palestinians building a professional army under our nose - May 22, 2024
video: Netanyahu Responds to Backstabbing Biden & Schumer
Netanyahu's POWERFUL Response to ICC Arrest Warrant
The State Dept, CIA, FBI Are Colluding and Shielding Palestinian Reporter Who Cheered Oct. 7 Massacre - May. 19, 2024
Biden's commitment to a two-state solution clashes with harsh realities on the ground - editorial - MAY 20, 2024
U.S. National Security Adviser Presents Netanyahu With Plans to End Israel's War in Gaza
Saudi Arabia's King Salman, 88, Has Pneumonia - May 19, 2024
Arab League Wants Troops In Jerusalem and Other Areas - May 17, 202
Israel Continues Military Operation in Rafah As 800,000 Flee - May 19, 2024
UNRWA's violent summer camps - May 20, 2024
Ultranationalist youths persist with coordinated campaign to block Gaza aid trucks - 5.20.24
During defense speech at ICJ hearing, Israel announces IDF discovered 50 Hamas tunnels that 'cross into Egypt' - 5.19.24
Iranian president Ebrahim Raisi, 63, is confirmed dead after 'no sign of life' was found at helicopter crash site - 5.19.24
Major Israeli leader threatens to quit over conduct of war - May 19, 2024
WATCH: Ron DeSantis - 'There has never been a country or state called Palestine' - May 17, 2024
Hezbollah bombards northern Israel with waves of rockets and drones - 5.18.24





 Disclaimer: The views expressed in these articles are the sole responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of Cephas Ministry.
(In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes.) 

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